
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Buffon the ultimate barrier screams Italian defiance

After Italy beat Ukraine to reach the semi-finals, Andriy Shevchenko singled out one opponent for special praise. Uppermost in his mind was not Luca Toni after the striker's two goals but Gigi Buffon, whose decisive saves at 1-0 had smoothed Italy's path. "Gigi proved once again he's the best goalkeeper in the world," Shevchenko said. "When you play against someone like Buffon, and as a striker I can say this, it's like having a handicap in golf, like starting a goal down."
Plenty of others would agree because Buffon has been a huge presence for Italy during their advance to a meeting with Germany in Dortmund tomorrow. Questions were asked about what mental state the 28-year-old might be in after he broke off preparations in late May to speak to investigators as part of a probe in Italy into football gambling and found his club Juventus threatened with relegation from Serie A for alleged match-fixing, but he has clearly pushed all that to one side.
Just as Oliver Kahn was vital to Germany's run to the World Cup final four years ago, Buffon has stood out at this tournament. The only time he has been beaten in five matches came via an unstoppable own-goal, Cristian Zaccardo slicing past him to give the United States an equaliser. Well as Italy have defended, their record owes a good deal to Buffon's reflexes at key moments. Though he has not been overworked, his reliability when called upon has made a difference.
The two big saves he pulled off at a crucial point against Ukraine, one of which was followed up by a Gianluca Zambrotta goal-line clearance, were by no means unique. In the final group game against the Czech Republic, Buffon came to Italy's rescue several times early on when the game was goalless, and a defeat would have put them out. He also twice denied Scott Chipperfield in a tight second-round match against Australia.
Fabio Cannavaro must have had Buffon prominent in his thinking when he reflected on his own calmness at this tournament. "I've got a lot of help from my team-mates," the centre-back and captain said. "I'm comforted by the fact that I can make mistakes and they're there, it gives me tranquillity." Buffon, who saved Juventus from a heavier defeat by Arsenal at Highbury in the Champions League, has spoken colourfully of the stubbornness of this azzurri team's stubbornness. "You need to sweat through seven shirts to beat Italy," he said.
Another key figure for Italy against Germany promises to be Gennaro Gattuso, whose midfield scurrying, distribution and organising stood out against Ukraine. He is one booking from suspension but does not expect that to affect him. "Even if there's a yellow card hanging over you, you have to play the way you have been picked to play," he said.
Gattuso was good-humoured and relaxed yesterday but did not hide his dismay at an article in Der Spiegel magazine which described Italians as "oily". It appears to have brought an edge to Italy's preparations. "I feel very offended about this criticism," Gattuso said. "When I think about my father and millions of other Italians who worked here, I feel very sad."
He is upset, too, with suggestions that the character of this tournament is more Gattuso than Ronaldinho. "That shows a total lack of respect for how I play and for football in general," he said. "I dream of beautiful football and spectacular football just like everybody else."After a tough season, after 60 matches, you have to play with a clear strategy and a solid team. It's not that one champion can win all the matches."

Posted by Samvit :: 11:08 PM :: 0 comments

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